
New Facility to Finance Off-Grid Energy Solutions in Mozambique

Bridgin, Mirova UK and Hypoport Africa have partnered to establish an innovative facility that will finance the receivables of companies distributing off-grid energy solutions in Mozambique through Paygo-enabled distribution models. The facility aims to address the funding gap faced by these companies, particularly smaller distributors, by aggregating and offering accessible and affordable financing.

Paygo companies often struggle to secure financing that aligns with their unique needs. Smaller distributors are typically overlooked by capital providers due to the small ticket sizes they need, which are seen as costly and complex to manage. Existing funding structures, such as loans or equity, are generally provided in large sums and do not accommodate the incremental funding requirements of Paygo organisations, who need to finance both their inventory needs, and the credit they extend to customers. Additionally, most of the financing is in USD, though local currency financing would better support their long-term stability.

The new facility seeks to solve these challenges by aggregating receivables, allowing Last Mile Distributors (LMDs) to access affordable capital. This will enable companies to expand their portfolios without constantly needing to raise new funds. The facility aims to offer $20 million USD, potentially issued in local currency, in a structure closely aligned to the operational needs of LMDs.

New Facility to Finance Off-Grid Energy Solutions in Mozambique

Innovative Technology for Streamlined Funding 

The facility will leverage the Bridgin receivables platform and marketplace to purchase receivables from Paygo companies, using real-time data and analytics to assess portfolio performance. By connecting seamlessly with companies’ CRM systems, Bridgin ensures data integrity and allows for automated investment decisions, minimising costly manual due diligence.

“We are excited to contribute to this collaborative step towards accessible financing for Mozambique’s energy distributors. By creating accessible financing pathways, we’re setting the stage for a scalable, long-term impact on energy access in underserved communities”, Manon Dubois, Fintech Business Lead from Bridgin. 

Hypoport’s PRoMMiSe technology will be used to visualise and analyse the underlying (Paygo) receivable contracts gathered from Bridgin including the fund structure. Hypoport’s PRoMMiSe technology specialises in monitoring underlying contracts structured in public and private fund structures in order to provide full standardized and transparent portfolio reporting to regulators, rating agencies and investors like banks, insurance companies and asset managers.

“Great to experience the commitment to bring the African Off-grid Energy Paygo market ready to invest for more institutional end investors”, Peter van der Linde from Hypoport Africa 

Impact Finance Services is Mirova UK’s advisory arm, specialising in corporate advisory, structuring, and fundraising services. It also serves as an incubator for local companies seeking investment readiness and acts as the syndication desk for Mirova’s Emerging Markets strategies. Mirova UK’s IFS team will lead the structuring of the solution and the ultimate fundraising, leveraging on their experience in scaling clean energy and climate investments in emerging markets.

“Mirova UK is excited to be supporting this innovative initiative in Mozambique that aims to bridge the financing gap for last mile distributors of solar home systems and productive use equipment“, Nicole Kugelmass – Managing Director form Impact Finance Services

Additionally, Bridgin will provide back-up servicing, taking over technical aspects, such as payment collection, token generation, software access and communication with customers, ensuring that a minimal level of collection will be maintained in the event a Paygo company defaults.

Financing partners

This initiative is being supported by a number of donors and financing partners who understand the need to bring capital to last-mile distributors. Our finance partners include:

  1. Acumen through their Hardest-to-Reach Initiative will be supporting with technical assistance to finance the structuring of the facility.
  2. USAID/Power Africa through the Empower Southern Africa (ESA) Program will provide technical assistance to explore the legal and tax consideration for setting up the facility.

“Acumen’s Hardest-to-Reach is thrilled about funding this innovative initiative that has the potential to create a more vibrant energy market for underserved communities.” Sandra Halilovic – Head of Acumen’s Hardest-to-Reach Development Facility.

Supporting Sustainable Growth in Mozambique 

The goal of the facility is to allow Paygo companies in Mozambique to grow sustainably, expanding access to off-grid energy in a country where, according to GOGLA, only 10% of the potential market has been captured. With a rural population of approximately 20 million people, the impact of this initiative could be transformative, providing traditionally overlooked companies with the resources they need to scale effectively and reach underserved communities with essential technology.

By offering lower-cost, timely financing, the facility empowers LMDs to focus on operational excellence rather than high-growth pressure, supporting long-term success and the broader goal of increasing access to clean energy in Mozambique.


Significant Risk Transfer deals in PRoMMiSe

Hypoport Significant Risk Transfer deals in PRoMMiSe

According to PCS (link) we see more Significant Risk Transfer deals in Europe because:

1. 80% of debt funding to the economy is through banks (in the US 80% is through public markets)
2. in Europe we closely follow the Basel guidelines restricting the banks’ capital

In the past few years we have been assisting clients with Corporate and SME SRT (Significant Risk Transfer) deals.
On the one hand and contrary to true sale transactions, in most SRT deals we see no cash flow reconciliation is required as they are synthetic. On the other hand, there are some tricky features to get right in the monthly reporting process of a corporate or SME SRT deal.

  1. data quality and sourcing
    a. we observe first mover disadvantages to source systems in different places in the bank
    b. the data quality in the newly setup data flows can be a challenge as there products have more exotic features and are less standardised
  2. portfolio management and optimisation
    a. dealing with increasing loans
    b. dealing with loans that need replacing by similar loans
    c. optimising the pool for instance to max out RWA relief
    d. dealing with other transactions that are using the same pool of assets for replenishment
  3. integrating with other systems
    a. COREP: RW on the tranches under SEC SA or IRB
    b. Central Banks: For communicating pledged assets in Credit Claims deals
  4. Reporting
    a. ESMA: do we need to say more?

All in all, these different aspects can be quite a hurdle for innovating bankers to get capital relief. For project managers it is not always easy to navigate from department to department due to the dense regulatory and IT components of the project. Because of the consequences of the transaction in the form of cash flows and capital, internal audit most likely will be involved as well.

Our clients have taken our company and our product on a journey as they saw the value in our teams and technologies when they entered into other asset classes than mortgages and other transaction types than true sale ABS.

Our product PRoMMiSe is 25 years in use this year. It started out as tool for mortgage transaction valuation, and evolved into the broader suite of asset backed / structured finance reporting technology of today. Due to our experience we can help get a transaction out to the market, or improve your existing reporting flow if needed.

The ultimate pay off is to help our clients to correctly and quickly inform investors, rating agencies, and regulators. This allows banks to achieve crucial capital relief to keep funding SME’s and Corporates and keep the economy moving forward.

The winners of the CAP Financial Innovation Challenge

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) will support the development of seven innovative financial aggregation models targeting a variety of clean energy solutions ranging from off-grid solar, mini-grids and e-mobility to clean cooking, across various East African countries. 

These solutions were competitively selected as the winners of the UNDP Climate Aggregation Platform Financial Innovation Challenge, which was a global call for applications launched in July 2022 by the Climate Aggregation Platform (CAP), a UNDP initiative to promote the scale-up of financial aggregation for small-scale, low-carbon energy assets in developing countries. Funded by the Global Environment Facility, the CAP is a flagship initiative of UNDP’s Sustainable Energy Hub to support the structuring and deployment of innovative business models and financial mechanisms to accelerate energy access and the clean energy transition.

Through this innovation challenge, UNDP aims to foster the development of innovative financial aggregation structures and models that can help increase the availability and reduce the cost of financing for low-carbon energy in East Africa. And, in doing so, help close the investment gap to achieve universal energy access.

“We are excited to support the development of such innovative and pioneering financial solutions for clean energy,” said Riad Meddeb, Director of UNDP’s Sustainable Energy Hub. “Increasing energy access is critical to advance socio-economic development and progress on the Sustainable Development Goals in East Africa. 242 million people, close to half of the region’s population, do not have access to electricity. We need to think outside the box to close this gap—business-as-usual won’t do. Developing new ways of financing clean energy is critical to ensure that everyone can have access to affordable, reliable energy and the opportunities it brings.”

Distributed renewable energy solutions have been identified as the least-cost, fastest option to rapidly close the energy access gap in Africa by 2030. However, scaling these solutions requires large upfront public and private investments, which are currently lacking due to a series of barriers, including perceived investment risks.

Recent research by UNDP shows that financial aggregation holds great potential in enabling these upfront large-scale investments. It could notably help reduce the mismatch between distributed renewable energy funding needs and investor requirements, and in turn, increase investments in such solutions. Yet, to date, few examples have turned this potential into reality.

Financial aggregation instruments are complex, and their successful implementation depends on a favorable enabling environment. In that sense, the market is still nascent and faces a range of barriers that need to be addressed if financial aggregation is to be widely employed and scaled.

For that reason, through the CAP Financial Innovation Challenge, UNDP aims to support solutions at the design stage, so that novel financial aggregation structures and models can be developed that can lead to financially closed transactions in East Africa, in the near future.

In response to the call, UNDP received many applications from around the globe, with very diverse and interesting innovations, and targeting different energy sub-sectors and countries in East Africa – While the call for applications was open to applicants from any country, supported solutions are to be developed in view of being deployed in one or multiple developing countries in East Africa, with a special focus on the CAP’s two pilot countries, Rwanda and Uganda.

The seven solutions below were competitively selected as the winners of UNDP’s Climate Aggregation Platform Financial Innovation Challenge. Each of them involves a different approach to financial aggregation to help unlock new sources of financing for the clean energy sector, including climate finance. These target different sub-sectors, from off-grid and on-grid solar, mini-grids, productive use appliances, and e-mobility to clean cooking, and could be deployed across different countries in East Africa including Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Mozambique.

  • ‘AI-enabled financing to scale energy access’, by Nithio: Nithio will adapt its data-driven blended-finance model – A sustainable, risk-informed approach to finance aggregated receivables for the off-grid solar sector – to determine how it can be best tailored to the Rwandan market. [Target country: Rwanda]
  • ‘A digital platform to bundle debt and results-based payments with climate finance’, by 4R Digital: Through its Carbon Value Exchange platform, 4R Digital will connect micro-small clean energy products with the Voluntary Carbon Markets – enabling aggregation of hundreds of thousands of clean energy device users. 4R Digital will explore how to layer additional product financing opportunities on top of the carbon-related payments. [Target countries: Uganda, Kenya]
  • ‘Carbon Credit Aggregator Platform’, by Mirova SunFunder: Mirova SunFunder will explore the feasibility of setting up a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to aggregate the carbon rights of clean energy companies. Financial aggregation at the SPV level would enable a group of similar companies to attract the required funding for pre-financing their activities. [Target countries: Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi]
  • ‘E2W Africa, a financing platform for electric vehicles’, by PJ & Company: PJ & Company will develop a pioneering financing platform to provide both growth equity and small-scale asset finance for the electric vehicles sector in East Africa, creating a founder-friendly finance instrument to help grow this asset-heavy industry. [Target countries: Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia]
  • ‘A platform for scaling up off-balance sheet receivables financing for off-grid solar’ by Solaris Offgrid: Solaris Offgrid will develop a platform to allow last-mile off-grid solar companies to sell pools of receivables, and partner funds to purchase these based on the investment criteria of debt providers – aggregating receivables to allow debt funds to deploy larger amounts of capital. [Target country: Uganda]
  • ‘Exploring securitization for minigrid projects’, by Hypoport Africa: Hypoport proposes to introduce the concept of securitization and other innovative structured lending solutions for PAYGO solar assets in East Africa, to show that once payment data is structured and monitored effectively using state-of-the-art data management, innovative structures can be introduced that will reduce costs of capital and improve the efficiency of PAYGO portfolios. [Target countries: Mozambique, Malawi, Rwanda, Kenya]
  • ‘Powerblocks, a platform to accelerate clean energy access in emerging markets’, by Incharge Energy: Incharge Energy proposes to develop PowerBlocks, a platform to help increase the profitability and utilisation of distributed renewable assets in emerging markets through the financing and provision of productive use off-takers, initially via bitcoin mining, and using smart contracts to pool funding from crypto investors. [Target countries: Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Madagascar.

UNDP will provide an award of up to US$40,000 to each of these innovators to develop a Feasibility Study for their Innovative Financial Aggregation Structure or Model. UNDP will also promote the supported innovations within UNDP and to a broader audience across its network.

Securitisation business & Career Fair

Amsterdam, Last week we rediscovered how much securitisation has to offer at the annual event organised by the Dutch Securitisation Association and Outvie! The structured finance market is ever evolving and crucial in many ways for the future. Perhaps you also want to join this crucial sector that secures funding for the real economy? On Friday 14th and Saturday 15th April 2023 we will be present at the 25th anniversary edition of the National Career Fair in the Amsterdam RAI! Our colleagues will be happy to tell you more about working at Hypoport.

Would you also like to go to the largest career event in the Netherlands? This is your chance! Then sign up for free via https://lnkd.in/dbFdNTv.


Our 20 year anniversay

Amsterdam, In 2002, PRoMMiSe was launched, and we have been on a mission for more standardisation and transparency in the growing market of asset backed deals in the Netherlands, Europe, Africa, Asia, the galaxy & beyond.

In the past 20 years the Hypoport capital markets and structured finance team has grown in Amsterdam, Johannesburg, Singapore and Hamburg. We feel that providing suitable technology and intelligence to our clients is still of vital importance.

The structured finance market is akin to large family; through all the changes, many of the faces we encounter have remained the same.

We want to thank our clients, partners, and colleagues for the trust we have received!

We look forward to sustaining the many relationships we have built, playing a role in the future of the capital markets, and to keeping you posted on our initiatives going forward!

Dutch Energy Efficient Mortgage Framework

Amsterdam, The Energy Efficient Mortgages NL Hub (EEM NL Hub) is proud to announce the publication of the first version of the Dutch Energy Efficient Mortgage Framework (DEEMF). This document describes in detail the application of the EU Taxonomy to Dutch residential mortgages.

About the Framework

Both DEEMF Part I and II have been composed based on the input from the members and affiliated members of the EEM NL Hub. The documents are therefore a summary as composed by the EEM NL Hub but are not necessarily the official position of any of the individual institutions participating in the EEM NL Hub.

About the EEM NL Hub

The EEM NL Hub is an association set up with the aim of supporting and promoting the acceleration and adaptation of energy efficient housing in the Netherlands and the financing thereof. The EEM NL Hub was established in September 2021 and currently has 24 members and 20 affiliated members.

Visit EEM NL Hub



TSI 2022 – Financing the economic transition

Berlin, Financing the economic transition – Building bridges between sustainability, growth and monetary stability. Many topics were on the table in Berlin this year as the congress happened live again. As with all congresses this year there was a lot of space for innovation in the green space.

  • The impact of geopolitical developments on asset-based finance markets – investor’s perspective
  • ESG regulation – Insights into legislation: What’s next for the journey?
  • New strategy mobility 2030 and the role of sustainability
  • Going green – Development of a sustainable securitisation framework and the data landscape



ECBC 10-Year Covered Bond Label – Vienna

During the welcome and celebratory dinner in Café Gloriette at Schönbrunn palace in Vienna, in the heart of Europe, the EBC stressed the importance of providing climate data on the asset pool in all ABS and CB transactions.

September 21th, during the member meeting of the ECBC the new implementation of the covered bond directive was on the agenda, as over the summer the landmark new law had come into place across Europe.



Global ABS Barcelona

Barcelona is the scene for the Global ABS again and for the first time in a decade in an environment with rising rates, high inflation, and a war going on. The weather is still good as always, as well as the company.

We travelled to Barcelona with a reinvigorated energy to meet our clients, and drinks on the beach were hosted together with the DSA and Intertrust on Wednesday.


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